Saturday, 25 July 2015


Today was an EARLY start with alarms going off at 5am to be on the road to the airport for by 5.30am. All went according to plan and we managed to smuggle our rather large hand luggage undetected onto the first flight. The flight down to Sydney went well as we were nearly the only people on the flight but on boarding the flight in Sydney to Townsville our large bags caused the air stewardess a bit of a headache but once they all had been stowed we took to the air.

On arrival in Sydney everything seemed to be present and correct apart from one rather large North Face bag belonging to Mr Wheatley. On further investigation it was discovered to be still on the tarmac in Sydney and the rest of the staff showed great empathy between the laughing.

Fortunately the bag was flown up on the next flight and arrived at 7pm!

Everyone was very excited to get off the plane and find that the temperature was 27 degrees and the sun was shining. The excitement grew further on arrival at the hotel which was equipped with a swimming pool lined by palm trees. The afternoon was spent enjoying the sun and pool as they burnt off some energy following a long time sat on a plane.

In the evening we hired a coach to take us into town for a steak meal at Molly Malone's before heading to the cinema to watch either Ant Man or the new Terminator film. The feedback for the film critics was not to bother with Terminator and Ant Man was quite an amusing easy watch but Jon Readshaw did highlight the flaws around the quantum physics they tried to utilise in the film but this was over the heads of the rest of the boys.

We have another early start tomorrow as we head out to the Great Barrier Reef.

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